Is’nt muscle testing dubious?

Is it quackery that muscles could transmit information about your emotional state?  A person’s posture, which is formed by the tension or flaccidity of muscles, routinely reveals much about our internal state. It is not hard to imagine the posture of someone that is feeling stress, fear, fatigue, happiness or curiosity. Our posture is a simple example of muscles communicating our internal state. Our bodies do it all the time, and it is a fantastic for us that they do. Muscles are connected via our nervous system to the centre of emotion and thought our brain. Muscle testing is not a diagnostic tool, nor is it treatment, is does not take special powers of the practitioner. It does take training and it is important that the practitioner is guided by a set of ethical values. It is important that the practitioner is objective and understands the scope of muscle testing. While muscles can respond to a stimuli with a positive or negative response, this does not mean that muscle testing is the answer to your emotional health and well being.

Like any other tool, Muscle testing is open to being used in a dubious, incorrect or ineffective way or beyond its scope. A stethoscope is a valuable tool it is used to listen to heartbeats, lung sounds, and other internal body sounds. While a stethoscope can provide valuable information for a medical professional, it does not directly diagnose or treat medical conditions. Similarly , muscle testing cannot be used to diagnose or treat, it is simply is a device used to ascertain valuable information from your nervous systems. If a medical professional is not trained to use a stethoscope, or does not practice according to professional standards, then they could misinform or mislead their patients. So it is the same with muscle testing, a practitioner needs to abide by professional values and standards and also be properly trained. This especially applies to when muscle testing is used in conjunction with questions, those questions must be objective, precise, well-defined and understandable to the client. Muscle testing simply communicates nervous system information visually, just as a stethoscope communicates information audibly. Muscle testing is one tool to allow your nervous system to guide the process of restoring balance to your system, when used properly it can be useful. It is not absolutely necessary to use the tool.

Do I have to do muscle testing if I see you?

No not at all. Muscle testing, it is one of many tools that Livvy is trained in. What is important in your emotional health and well being is that you are connected with your body, and there are many ways to achieve this such as somatic exercises and movements, art therapy, dance therapy, and many many more tools. Muscle testing has value and use, but it also has its limitations.

What are the limitations of muscle testing?

As mentioned earlier it cannot be used for diagnosis or treatment. What does that mean? A stethoscope cannot tell you that you have pneumonia. A diagnostic test such as an x-ray is needed for that. The stethoscope may give you helpful information, which then leads to the use of accurate scientific assessments and examinations. And it is the results of these tests that give you a diagnosis. So can muscle testing diagnose you with cancer? No. You need to diagnosis test which measure the degree of cancer cells present and the effect they are having on your body. A muscle test allows your system communicate their is an imbalance in your physical health, following that clients may be advised to pursue the matter whether that be with a the relevant practitioner be it a doctor, nutritionist, chiropractor etc.
It is not necessary to use muscle testing in order to heal from trauma. Muscle testing may help a person connect with their own body, and strengthen the trust they have in their own connection to their body. On the other hand, if muscle testing is used as a short cut, or because it is quicker way to get to the “answers”, a person may not really learn to listen or connect with their body. Additionally, a person can become overly reliant on the practitioner’s muscle testing. Muscle testing is just one of tools in Livvy’s tool box, its not a magic solution, essential to healing, or the right tool for everyone.