Manual Muscle Testing (kMMT)
Summary: Manual Muscle Testing is a way to see the bodies response to external stimuli. It is also known as kinesiology muscle testing or kMMT. This is a non-invasive technique that provides feedback on the body’s internal state.
The goal of this type of muscle testing is to assess the body’s response to stimuli rather than measuring muscle strength.
Livvy uses muscle testing (kMMT) to promote body awareness, evaluate neuromuscular functions, and understand the mind-body connection. This method assists in gaining emotional balance and offers insights into the body’s response to stressors. If you want to know more, keep reading.
Background: History of kMMT
In 1936, the Kendalls a husband and wife team, Florence was a physical therapist and her husband Henry a Doctor, adapted muscle testing for use with patients with neuromuscular diseases, such as polio and other neuromuscular diseases. Their extensive work was documented in a book that comprised records from over 12,000 patients. Their work greatly influenced physical therapy. Later in the 1960s a chiroprator, Geroge Goodheart, broadened the scope of muscle testing as a diagnostic tool. He, along with the International College of Applied Kinesiology (I.C.A.K.), developed the technique further. The American Medical Association later recognised stemming from Kendall & Kendall’s work, as a legitimate method for evaluating various neuromuscular conditions. This is still used by many chiroprators internationally.
A Chiropractor trained by Goodheart, John Thie, found muscle testing such a simple and powerful tool that he endeavoured to teach everyday people, not just health professionals, how to use it to identify imbalances. Thie developed what is now called “Touch for Health,” a complementary therapy that combined chiropractic (including muscle testing), osteopathy, and acupressure methodologies to balance structural, psychological, and biochemical aspects of health. This method leaned heavily on the principles of the Chinese meridian theory and includes various techniques ranging from flower essences to eye movements.
.Dr Bruce Dewe a Medical Doctor, Acupunterists and Applied Kinesiologist states, “muscles, we now know, are where the body-mind interaction takes place. The tension you feel in your neck, when things are weighing you down…our muscles exteriorise our minds for all to see.” He adds “tool of muscle testing works at the connection between mind and body using electromagnetic energy system called meridians”. Muscle testing is still used a tool in Applied Kinesiology but is also employed by various other healing orientated professions. It is important that any practitioner’s adheres to the professional values when using muscle testing and use it as intended to identify imbalances.
Science: Research Supporting kMMT
Muscle testing works on the fundamental concept that muscles, being controlled by nerves, will react differently based on various nerve inputs. In other words, measuring muscle strength gives practitioners insights into what the nervous system is communicating. It involves repeatedly testing a single muscle to assess the body’s response to various stimuli, such as foods, supplements, or emotional factors.
When the body perceives a stressor, the electrical signals between the muscle and the brain can be disrupted, leading to a weakened muscle response. This phenomenon is known as the Binary Biofeedback Response.
Research by Monti et al. demonstrated that muscles could resist more force after articulating true statements than false ones. In their study, true statements resulted in a “strong” kMMT response, whereas false statements resulted in a “weak” response.
Real-time kMMT allows practitioners to continuously evaluate the patient’s nervous system response to a stimuli.
Emerging data suggest the efficacy of muscle testing, particularly in fostering a greater connection between body, mind, emotions, and external events. Participants in various studies have reported feeling more relaxed, stable, and at peace post-testing. Additionally, they felt empowered, more conscious of their actions, and had a heightened sense of well-being.
How We Use It In Our Clinic
The body is an incredible source of information and can tell you much about what’s causing you to feel out of balance. Livvy tests the strength of your muscles in response to objective and specific questions. With this method, your own body and muscles identify the blocks and imbalances. Your muscle is “tested” by applying slight external pressure, if the muscle is strong it locks and stays in place, if a muscle is weak it gives way allowing the arm or leg it supports to fall. A weak muscle indicates a block in the energy flow to that area, an imbalance. Your own body knows what it needs to restore the energy flow, be it something physical, mental or emotional. So muscle testing accesses the wisdom on your nervous system to identify an imbalance and how best to restore the balance. Muscle testing is a simple tool used to visually display that information.
Muscle testing is used frequently in conjunction with Perception Repatterning Technique. The focus of which is to retrain your brain. By using your senses, we’ll introduce new, positive thoughts. This process helps you create new mental pathways, leading to lasting improvements.
Livvy respects that kMMT is a highly individualistic experience. While many find it revealing and therapeutic, it might not resonate with everyone. If at any point a client feels uncomfortable even with the thought of muscle testing, Livvy has other tools that can help you develop the space and capacity to feels difficult feelings and process trauma.
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